Why Is Choosing Unflavored A Better Bet?

While choosing our foods, we don’t usually look for anything that’s unflavored’. We all want that extra something in almost everything we consume. This holds true for protein powders as well. Go to any store and you’ll find protein powders with various tempting flavours that may seem more inviting than regular, unflavored ones.

You may feel confused by looking at the options at your disposal. But apart from making your choice easier, opting for unflavored protein powder has various other benefits. Here are some of them:

Cleaner Option

When we talk about flavoured protein powders, it is important to understand how those flavours have been achieved. Reading the list of ingredients may not make much sense, as there are likely to be plenty of substances with vague and unrecognizable names. Words such as ‘natural and artificial flavourings’ may sound ambiguous and create doubts in the minds of people. Often, these flavourings contain chemicals that are harmful to health. Unflavored protein powder is free from these additives and gives you a clean, nutritionally-rich alternative.  

Can Be Put To Many Uses

Unlike their flavoured counterparts, unflavored protein powders are at a distinct advantage. Since they aren’t already flavoured, they can be used in almost any way imaginable. They help add nutrition and texture to the recipe, without affecting the flavour. You can do so much more with unflavored protein powder – add to smoothies, shakes, or to any yummy bakes. They can also be put in sauces, soups, and salad dressing to thicken the dish, as well as to increase their nutritional value. They also make an excellent substitute for flour while baking.

If you’re looking to do more than just use in your smoothies or shakes, opt for unflavored protein powder. They provide a lot of flexibility in use when compared to the flavoured variety. And as discussed already, they bring you the best of protein in their natural form, keeping the nutrients intact.


Aren't these pretty good reasons to choose unflavored protein powder?

Also Read: Do we Have Enough Glutamine?


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