The 5 Most Effective Tips for Building Bigger and Stronger Biceps

Here is a collection of the five most effective tips you need to know for building bigger and stronger biceps. There is so much information out there that beginners especially may get really confused about what they really need to do.
Keep in mind that a high protein diet is also essential to support muscle building. Excessive amounts of workouts without adequate dietary support can destroy your body. To get started on building monster sized biceps, eat plenty of protein and follow these 5 arm-training keys.
1. Which Weight To Use
As a beginner what level of weights should you go for? Start with small weights and build up slowly or start with the heaviest weight you can handle? Pick a weight at which you can do 8 to 12 reps. If you can’t do at least eight reps at that weight, then it's too heavy. If you can do 12-15 reps for 3 sets or more, then it's too light for you.
When doing any body-part routine, you should choose a workout that allows you to handle the most weight. Biceps curls and standing barbell curls are great exercises to start out with. Barbell curls effectively target both the long and short heads of the biceps. Olympic bars and EZ-bars are also good options. Take care not to strain your wrists.
2. Lock Your Elbows
To get the maximum benefits of a workout and to avoid injury, the form of execution is very important. One very common mistake seen in beginners and even some pros doing bicep workouts is that they tend to pull their elbows forward from the position at the beginning of a curl movement.
The chances of elbows drifting are high while doing exercises like the barbell curl, incline curls, hammer curls, etc. During such curl exercises your upper arms should be locked in position by your side as when you curl the weight high your elbows tend to drift from your sides to the front of the body.
3. Include Heavier Weights At Lower Reps
Starting out with a weight that allows you to complete 2 sets of 8 -12 reps is a good start as mentioned earlier. More reps mean building more endurance. But to build muscle size, you need to up the weights once you feel comfortable enough to do so. The amount of weight you use must be heavy enough to recruit the fast-twitch type-2 muscle fibres as these have the potential for growth.
These types of muscle fibres respond best to heavyweights that are about 75% of your one-rep max. (the highest weight you can lift just once). So make sure to include in heavyweights that you can do a few sets of 5 to 6 reps, in your arm workout routine. Just one final warning though, if you go too heavy, you not only risk injury, you’ll end up cheating and recruiting muscles other than your biceps to do the lifting. End results - biceps don’t get any bigger.
4. Raise Your Reps Over The Course Of The Workout
So as per the first key, you started out with a comfortable weight doing 3 sets of 8-12 reps. You then upped the weight to 75% of your capacity and did sets of 6 reps. Now you need to up those reps at the same weight, to 8-12 or till you hit muscle failure at the end of that range. As you continue with your arm workout, your arm starts getting fatigued.
Once you have performed some workouts in the heavyweight range, continue on by switching back to lighter weights, so that you do not totally exhaust yourself after a couple of exercises. Choose weights that cause failure at a higher rep range, but not more than 12-15 reps.
5. Push Past Failure Once In A While
While it's important not to push yourself too much, especially while doing big barbell lifts and bench presses, it's fine to occasionally push a bit further during bicep workouts. But if you are going to push past failure, then its best to get a little help from your workout partner.
Once in a while try pushing past failure to do a couple of more reps for your 1 or 2 heaviest sets of each exercise. If you are unable to complete any more clean reps on your own, your partner can support your arms just enough to get past the sticking point. For single arm exercises like preacher dumbbell curls or Scott curls, use your free hand to support the life.